How to update the remote content of a Modal in Twitter Bootstrap

Twitter Bootstrap is a very good tool with beautiful graphics and lots of tiny useful objects.

The Modal object is nice and lightweight, and is also able to load remote content. I liked it and wanted to use it on a list of links, loading new content every time a link was pressed.

The problem

Unfortunately, I found that the Modal remote content load feature works only the first time the object is used! Once a Modal object is instantiated, it is persistently attached to the element specified by data-target; subsequent calls to show it will only call toggle() on it, but will not update its content. This is because the remote load is done in the constructor of the Modal object, so even changing its properties, the content won’t be updated.

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How to implement a custom File Manager in TinyMCE 4

The TinyMCE 4 javascript editor supports HTML5 and features a new interface and a complete rewrite of all plugins. TinyMCE is the standard WYSIWYG editor for online CMS and websites: if you have a custom file manager attached to the image button, it’s time to think about updating its loading code.

To do this in minutes, you can add a quick hack to the new image plugin. Of course, this tutorial covers a standard approach not related to any File Manager in particular. Your final working code will be strictly related to the File Manager in use, and its file upload and file select tools.

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MySql performance optimization tricks

MySql performance optimization is an interesting task, I like to focus on it on my free time.

Please note that these are house rules. There is no guarantee that your performance will improve. Use with precautions!

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Thank you 500000!

This is a special day for our little project! The Really Simple Share plugin just reached 500,000 downloads; at the same time our Really Simple Twitter Widget plugin reached 100,000 downloads.

We’re busy keeping them (and the other plugins) update and working. At the moment we’re focusing on the Twitter side, making every plugin API 1.1 compliant.

Thank you everyone, for your requests and support!

Cool companies using WordPress in Rome

Plugin development for WordPress in Rome? Yes we can!

Today the 2.9 release of Good old Facebook Twitter share buttons for WordPress is out, with a brand new Pinterest implementation… I recommend you to update quickly because Pinterest backward compatibility is virtually non-existent.

In the meanwhile, here are some links of cool italian companies, using WordPress in Rome  on a daily basis and active on free plugin development.

I worked with them, they’re talented people:

  • Duck Informatica – Browser Update Ribbon and Loginner plugins
  • SabLab  – Internal Link Builder plugin
  • Free Plugin by SeoRoma – Auto Tag LinksChanges and Plagiarims plugins

Winsxs folder: save space on windows server 2008 cleaning it

On Windows Server 2008 R2 the folder winsxs (generally under c:\windows\winsxs) can grow bigger and bigger through time, saving all system updates.

To remove superseded backup images, you can use the dism command from the Administrator command prompt, with the following syntax:

dism /online /Cleanup-Image /spsuperseded

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Some Bookmarks

  • Web Speech API for voice driven web apps has been implemented in the Chrome browser (version 25 and later); speech recognition is made over the web with a Google service;
  • Domize is a very fast and smart domain name search engine; it quickly activates as you type, in SSL, also looking for substring automatically;
  • Frank is a free WordPress theme by P.J. Onori, surprisingly fast and clean.