Category Archives: blog

Windows 11 local account

How to create a local account in Windows 11

According to Microsoft, using a local account in Windows 11 (and even in Windows 10) can create difficulties for users. As a result, the company continuously updates the Windows installation process, making it increasingly difficult to access this functionality. But why do they do this?

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Laravel raw query: how to get it from the SQL builder

Sometimes you want to know the exact Laravel raw query – the SQL output string executed under the hood – for a given instance of the database Query Builder.

Let’s say you have this query:


You can get the raw SQL query string that the query builder above will generate in at least two ways:

  1. use the toSql() function
  2. use the enableQueryLog() function
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ColosSEO SEO Roma 2020

ColosSEO, the SEO conference in central Italy

ColosSEO is the free conference about SEO and Web Marketing for small and middle-size enterprises in central Italy.

The first edition, devised by Mariachiara Marsella, Maurizio Palermo and Valerio Notarfrancesco, was held on Feb 19 2020 in the ConfCommercio headquarters in Rome.

I had the pleasure of speaking at the event, with a focus on real estate agencies. Great experience, with an attentive public and lots of ideas and practical advice!

My talk at ColosSEO 2020
My talk at ColosSEO 2020

Top 8 substitutes of WordPress for your Web Design & Development

WordPress is an open source content management system, which is used to build lots of websites. Developers are discovering numerous other alternatives for building a website. These kind of platforms are also introduced which are competing the WordPress. In this post, here are the lists of top substitutes of WordPress for your Web Development.
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Update Cordova Android 5 – a quick guide

If you received the “Google Play warning: You are using a vulnerable version of Apache Cordova” email some days ago, you have two months to update your Cordova Android platform; do it, unless you want to see your favorite app kicked out of Play Store.

Since Cordova 3.6 a lot of things changed: the plugin archive, the build system, the keystore etc.

This quick guide covers these steps:

  1. Android SDK update
  2. Cordova update
  3. Cordova Android update
  4. Plugins update
  5. Keystore update (optional)
  6. Final checks
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Prestashop import CSV update products

How to update Prestashop product quantities from a csv file

Prestashop is a good e-commerce software, but sometimes is difficult to find free modules or easy solutions to common needs.

I’ve implemented a simple script for Prestashop (>=1.6), to update product quantities from an external csv file. The script is able to update simple products and product combinations.

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Sentiment analysis, my approach

My TvSeriesTweet app collects popular tweets from the best Tv Series. I’ve recently added a Sentiment Analysis tab, to provide info about how the Tv Series communication on Twitter is polarized (positive, negative or neutral content) and what type of content best suits the followers. Unlike other analysts, I like to study the communication of the Twitter influencers instead of the sentiments of the users reacting to them.

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